Try the Tip Tuesday Vol 2: Don’t Get Wet!
It’s Tuesday! Which means it is time for me to try out another tip!
This week we are focusing on backswing, and more specifically not crossing the plane in your back swing. This is an area that I have not spent too much time on, as I have more of an issue with getting a full rotation, so crossing the plane generally isn’t one of the pieces of feedback I receive. However, I’ve wanted to try this drill since I saw it on PGA Certified Instructor Erika Larkin’spage. It’s not your normal golf drill, but it is surprisingly fun; so here we go!
Focus Area: Back swing plane control
What You Need: A small bucket of water, more water for additional attempts
Where: I recommend trying this at home and outside. Your local range probably won’t appreciate you making a mess.
The drill: Fill your bucket with water and get into your stance. Concentrate on rotating through your backswing and throwing the water up and behind you; crossing the plane as you swing will result in a shower.
The hardest part of this drill for me was getting the feel of my swing while holding the bucket; I felt like I was unconsciously changing from a swing to a simple sump to avoid getting wet. Recording yourself during this drill is a huge help not only for giving yourself the visual of your swing, but to make sure that you aren’t cutting yourself short and doing it wrong.
I made probably 10–15 attempts at this drill, and was only hit by a few errant drops of water (yay!). I need to go watch some of my videos from recent trips to the course to see if crossing the plane is an issue I face when I’m actually holding a club, but overall I call this a fun and effective drill. Challenge your friends to try and tag me in the videos on Instagram!
Until next time,
This story originally appeared on The Birds and the Tees