Golf Is Fickle, So Is Life
Play it as it lies
Where do I start? I knew that our three week trip to Charleston would be an adventure, but I underestimated just how much an adventure we would have. From a crazy start with a not as advertised AirBnb, to the rollercoaster of shifting from the possibility of moving to oh my god we are building a house, the last two weeks have been more than I could have anticipated. Oh, and let’s not forget accepting a new job and wrapping up my previous position. Like I said, a rollercoaster.
In the interest of time and typing, here is a quick break down of what the last two weeks have included
- 13 hour car ride from Michigan to Charleston. Mostly calm, with the exception of a very large rainstorm that we had to drive through in the dark
- AirBnb…ugh. I won’t complain too much because given the number of times I have used AirBnb, including on overseas trips, this situation could have been way worse, but I can say that this was one of the more bizarre interactions I have ever had.
- Bonus exploration: I wasn’t planning on a daily commute while I was here, but since we posted up in a hotel and my fiancé and I both had conference calls, I took advantage of my sister’s extra office for several days, which meant I got a pretty solid feel for the route and traffic between her house and our hotel.
- Golf Rd 1: If I can regularly spend Friday nights in the fall on the golf course with friends and family, I think I’ll be in heaven.
- Surprise friend visit! One of my Michigan friends made a quick trip down to South Carolina and we spent an easy Sunday morning strolling through historic Charleston and drooling over the amazing houses.
- Neighborhood hunt….buy a house? We were pretty sure that we wanted to move, but we had planned on waiting until after the holidays before really starting our hunt. Sometimes when you know, you know, and we fell in love with what will be our new neighborhood.
- New job, who dis? More on this later, but I will get to meet some of my new team before we head back north!
- Golf Rd 2: The Golf Club at Wescott Plantation is beautiful, and I can’t wait to play the rest of the holes available!
- P.S. Design the house. Oh yea, building a house means you pick everything, which is as overwhelming as it is exciting.
While I haven’t spent as much time on the golf course and practice range as I had hoped for this trip, the last two weeks have not been without golf. In fact, I finally met my coach in person and was able to spend a Friday night on the course with her (she beat me by a lot ). I have been able to play two courses here, and one thing that I did not realize I was going to have to get used to was the different grass. I am not sure if the course I played back in June had grass that wasn’t quite as different from what I am used to, or if I just noticed the difference more because my game has become more consistent, but on both of the courses that I have played in the last few weeks, I have had multiple shots impeded by the texture and other characteristics of grass. Fun fact, the grass on the greens here messes with your putts more than a sneaky incline ever will. Daisy (my coach) was highly entertained by me and my fiancé’s reactions as our seemingly strong putts were rejected by the Charleston golf gods. Lucky for us, once we make the move we will have easy access to several courses near our new neighborhood and plenty of opportunity to outsmart the fickle greens of southern golf courses.
We head home in a few days, but we’re hoping to get at least one more round in before we return to the Mitten State and the unfortunate white stuff that has begun to fall from the sky.
Stay tuned to see what happens next. Until next time,
This post originally appeared on The Birds and the Tees